Monday, October 10, 2011

A Lie !

A Lie
So Simple to say
So simple to make believe
But , Rarely do they know of the damage
Rarely do they Feel ...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It Was " I "

It was All There
From my best cherished trophies
To the most hated deeds
It was my House !
My dreams
My vices
My sins
Twas all there
It was my House !

There she would stand
with her arms reaching up in the sky
Fetching the very clouds
That had let the rain fall on the land so Dry

There Stood the plant
of Life
of Youth
of Vigor
Radiating the unscathed , un-indulged  grant

There we were
Lost in our Passion
In our bed
Waking up to the mildest chirps
That the Sparrows had to say

But Little did she know
That I harbored Bandits
who looted
were Insane
And had nothing else left to Abstain

I let them Grow
Cause they fed My Evil
They fed me in Blood , in Flesh and also my Sane !

The Contract was bound
The fate was sealed
And I was asked to go for a stroll

Behold !
My Breath narrowed
As I couldn't swallow
The Scene had left me Dumbstruck !



The Reply was very profound
"We didn't do anything"
"It was you"
"It was I"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Drops . . .

Yes ! I can feel 'em !
Running through my head
Falling on my brows
Stuck in Ecstasy

They make me sway
In happiness 
In Solace
Entranced all the way

Drops !
Of Rain
Of Tears
Of Love
Of Peace
Of Rapture
Oh ! Do they capture !

Leave me at my will
I will dance to their music
Drop , will I
And make em all shy

Have you ever been high
In the highest hills
In the deepest oceans
And also 
In the darkest corners

Feel em drop
Forehead in Utopia
Lips wet with concoction
Chest full of adulation
And the dick drenched in
Fornication !

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Venin In Me

As the fire burns in me

twas set on by these rains

It spat it's venin all over me

has left me begging not in vain

I swear upon thee satan

Come to me

It's time for payback

What they all gave to me

And what I gave to myself ...

Friday, February 11, 2011


Words is what they say
Words is what we hear
Do you even remember ?
What you said to me last year !

I think about you almost every time
You are my God
Wish I could die in your arms
Swear on me you are not sulking
What are you doing  (lovingly!)
Did you call me
You are my life

I am trying to bring my life "back-on-track"
I have come here for my career
All that was a big mistake
Stop barking
Why don't you Die
Go fuck yourself
I was busy
Why don't you go and find someone else

Words is what they had said
Words is what they are saying ...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Etched on Sand

Racing through the tracks of steel
Even was my heart
6 months it was when I had seen you last

Sleepless nights , thoughtless days
All went by , how did i stay !
Away from you

At last I did reach there
With a thousand dreams in my eyes
To see those very eyes
To see that very smile
That had kept me alive

Time had come
I bated my breath
Let my heart skip a beat or two
U knocked on the door

The sea was alive
The gulls were flying high
We heard the honk of a distant ship
That shook the conman dry

We ran on the water 
Shared a swear or two
We took to our knees
Wrote a name or two

Alas the sea !
He was ruthless !
He was merciless !
He had no heart !
As he knew nothing
And gave his verdict
The judgment was harsh

Time has passed by
People have changed
But etched on sand remains
Those days and
Your name ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Why are you scared kid ?
Don't you know ther's an opening beyond !
Stop shivering , stop shaking
With pain , with fear , with despair
Dint' they tell you it all ends here .

Of all deaths , forced or lured
Withheld in arms of the uncured
Of all betrayals
And of all sweet denials
Rests the hapless and the flightless  

He hangs on to his severed head
He clings on to his beating heart
He curses the heavens and the hell , alike

But , he still hopes
Hopes in his bloodshot eyes
Dreams of sailing free
Far away from the inferno that
Keeps them all alive

Look up at him
See how he fights
Watch how he takes all , gives nothing
Watch how he cries

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Raging Desire

Wish I could be the fire in your eyes
Wish I had everything to hide
Hide from you
The thoughts of belief
The view of lies
The surreal flight of dreams
that I had always desired.

The depth that I had never tasted before
even though it was a sin
A sin committed many a times 
Sins that wound me like a serpent
hissing to scare the very damned self.

Nay says my brain
Aye says my heart
Stuck in this dilemma
I wish I could tell you
What I wished for
Not your mortals
Not your flesh
But your very presence
Your intensity
The very real you ...

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Spring Sun

February sunshine it was
so was the bus ride
Grapes had never tasted so sweet
neither did the rose blossom so bright
I tasted the depth in you
...from the fag you shared with me
twas all over in a flash
A flash that seemed like , time had stopped by ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Resurrection

Vengeance , I breathe , my soul wails for it . Sublime agonies bury me in the fathomless ocean of slime , that you created and I faced . Time has come to DIE ! It's No Mercy from my side.

The Risen has realized his duties , he will toil on your sins , to wash it away and wash you away far from him.

This is the Resurrection , The dead will walk , never to fall

And just Rise !!!